
Ermou street Athens map

Map of ermou street Athens. Ermou street Athens map (Greece) to print. Ermou street Athens map (Greece) to download. Ermou Street in Athens map is a one-and-a-half-kilometer-long road in central Athens, right off Syntagma Square. Ermou street is the most expensive shopping street in Athens and one of the most expensive in Europe. The shops are selling everything from high-end clothing to trinkets, leather goods, embroidery, and higher quality jewelry – but you can also find a few great local grocery stores or have a rest for a coffee or tea at the many cafes lining the ermou street of Athens.

Map of ermou street Athens

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Ermou street is unquestionably the most chic commercial street in Athens map, especially since it became a pedestrian precinct that shows off its elegant facade. Without doubt, hearing the word "shopping" is one of the first associations that the Athenian women have with this street. Starting as a pedestrian precinct at Syntagma Square, ermou street continues as a roadway to the corner of Aiolou Street until Agion Asomaton Square – where it once again becomes a walkway until it reaches Pireos Street (across from the Technopolis complex in the area of Gazi).