
Gazi Athens map

Map of gazi Athens. Gazi Athens map (Greece) to print. Gazi Athens map (Greece) to download. Dusk is probably the best time to explore Gazi and Keramikos as the subtle charms of the area fade under the bright midday sun. The subdued light awakens a desire to travel that intensifies with the sight of the rusty railway lines on the industrial side of Ermou Street of gazi Athens. Instantly, your thumb twitches as you hitchhike to one of the trucks heading out of town. In this darkness, the ancient Keramikos cemetery is one of the most beautiful corners of Athens (see gazi Athens map).
Gazi is Athens post-millennial design, art, and techno district during the day and its blazing nightlife district well into the night. The gazi area in athens map, centered on Technopolis, a multi-purpose arts and entertainment center in a former gasworks, is full of restaurants, bars, and dance clubs. The streets buzz with revelers well into the wee hours. The name ​Kerameikos, is often used interchangeably with the newer name, Gazi, which is actually in the Kerameikos district of athens.