
Athens x95 bus route map

Athens x96 bus route map. Athens x95 bus route map (Greece) to print. Athens x95 bus route map (Greece) to download. Athens x95 bus route to Syntagma (Athens City Center) departs from Athens Airport every 15-20 minutes as its shown in Athens x95 bus route map. The travel duration of x95 bus is approximately 40 minutes. Below table shows the athens bus x95 departure times from Athens Airport and the bus stops along the route to Athens Downtown ( Syntagma). Buses of Route X95 depart from Syntagma Square at the times listed below. Syntagma square is in front of the Parliament (Athens Center). It takes approximately 40 minutes from Syntagma to Athens Airport.

Athens x96 bus route map

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Athens x95 bus route runs to and from the airport, ending at Syntagma Square in central Athens (as its mentioned in Athens x95 bus route). Many hotels are near Syntagma Square, and it is usually easy to catch a taxi. Some hotels, such as the Athens Intercontinental, also offer courtesy shuttles to Syntagma Square, so you may be able to connect with them there directly. The trip into Athens lasts a little over an hour. Athens x95 bus route runs no less than three times an hour.