
Athens public transport map

Athens transit map. Athens public transport map (Greece) to print. Athens public transport map (Greece) to download. Athens undertook massive transportation infrastructure improvements that included dramatic expansion of public transport and the construction of a new international airport (see Athens public transport map). If you are staying in the center of Athens, you probably dont need to take any transportation except to get to the airport.
Athens public transport system accounts for more than half of the cars, trucks, and buses in use in the country (see Athens public transport map). Furthermore, the number of merchant ships registered in Greece (mostly at Piraeus, the country largest port) increased since the late 1960s as Greek shipowners answered the government call to bring their foreign-registered ships home (though many Greek ships remain under other flags).
The Athens Mass public transport System consists of a large bus fleet, a trolleybus fleet that mainly serves the downtown area, the Athens Metro, a tram line connecting the southern suburbs to the city center, and the Athens Suburban Railway services (see Athens public transport map). Athens public transport system is occasionally disrupted by the striking of its public employees.