
Athens road map

Map of Athens road . Athens road map (Greece) to print. Athens road map (Greece) to download. Driving in Athens is a real sport (see Athens road map). Most of the Athens streets are one-way and, apart from the main roads, rather narrow, all the more so as the Greeks like to park in double file. Beware of cabs, which take over the right lane and stop without much warning. The daredevil 2-wheelers will bring you their share of cold sweats. In short, you dont necessarily get where you want once you are in the perpetual movement of the Athenian traffic road.
There are two main highways that travel both to the west, towards the city of Patra in Peloponessus (GR-8A, E94) and to the north, towards Greece second largest city, Thessaloniki (GR-1, E75). In 2001-2004 a ring road toll-expressway (Attiki Odos) was gradually completed (see Athens road map), extending from the western industrial city of Elefsina all the way to the Athens International Airport, after encircling the city from the north.