
Plaka district map

Map of plaka district. Plaka district map (Greece) to print. Plaka district map (Greece) to download. Plaka district, below the eastern slopes of the Acropolis Hill, is the heart of old Athens map. There is no escaping the fact that plaka is a very touristy district, packed with souvenir shops and lots of mediocre tavernas. But plaka district is also a delightful place to walk around, to wander through the narrow lanes and admire the pastel-colored houses.

Map of plaka district

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Plaka district is the liveliest place in Athens map. A visit to plaka district is almost obligatory, preferably in the evening or in the morning. But dont think that this is the ultra typical little corner "where the Greeks really live". The tourist district of Plaka forms a picturesque maze of alleys, squares and terraces connected by stairs. A few small Byzantine churches alternate with old houses with round tile roofs and wooden balconies, sometimes surrounded by hidden gardens. Perspectives on the city where the Acropolis is visible here and there. At night, Plaka comes alive.