
Kifissos bus station map

Map of kifissos bus station. Kifissos bus station map (Greece) to print. Kifissos bus station map (Greece) to download. All KTEL companies share the same bus station in Athens (as its shown in kifissos bus station map) which is called Athens central bus station-kifissos. It is called kifisos while it is situated near the Athenian river kifissos. This is situated in the west part of Athens near Peristeri and Egaleo areas. The athens central bus station of kifissos is an old crowded building.

Map of kifissos bus station

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From the bus terminal at Kifissos street there are buses to (as its mentioned in kifissos bus station map): Aetolia-Acarnania, Arcadia, Arta, Achaea, Grevena, Drama, Evros, Zakynthos, Elis, Imathia, Thesprotia, Thessaloniki, Ioannina, Kavala, Kastoria, Corfu, Cephalonia, Kilkis, Corinth, Laconia, Lefkada, Messinia, Xanthi, Pella, Preveza, Rodopi, Serres, Florina and Chalkidiki. Access to the kifissos bus station, which is situated at the intersection of Kifissos and Athinon avenues, takes place with buses from the centre of Athens, from Piraeus and the airport. It also connects with the metro and proastikos.