
Attiko metro map

Metro Athinas map. Attiko metro map (Greece) to print. Attiko metro map (Greece) to download. The Athens Metro, or as it is more commonly known in Greece, the Attiko Metro (Greek: Αττικο Mετρο), is one of the most impressive underground mass transit systems in the world (see attiko metro map). While attiko metro main purpose is transport, it also houses Greek artifacts found during construction of the subway. Its two lines, Red and Blue, were constructed mainly during the 1990s and the initial sections opened in January 2000.
The lines of attiko metro run entirely underground, and cover a distance of 30 mi (45 km: see attiko metro map)). Attiko Metro operates a fleet of 42 trains and 252 wagons with a daily occupancy of 550,000 passengers. The third line, not run by the Athens Metro, is the ISAP (Greek: ΗΣΑΠ), the Electric Railway Company. This is the green line of the Athens Metro as shown in the adjacent map, and unlike the red and blue which run entirely underground, ISAP runs either above ground or below ground at different sections of its length. This operation runs the original metro line from Piraeus to Kifisia. The historic Green Line connects the port of Piraeus to the northern suburb of Kifissia.
Attiko metro S.A. re-procured on November 21st 2008 the project related to the Metro extension to Piraeus (see attiko metro map). On March 1st 2012 the relevant contract was concluded between attiko metro map S.A. and the Contracting Joint Venture J&P AVAX A.E., GHELLA SPA, ALSTROM TRANSPORT S.A. This extension shall be 7.6km long in total and shall add 6 new Stations to the Metro network, serving both the western suburbs of the Athens Basin and the areas of Piraeus, which will have 3 modern Metro Stations.