
Koukaki Athens map

Map of koukaki Athens. Koukaki Athens map (Greece) to print. Koukaki Athens map (Greece) to download. Koukaki is the area around the New Acropolis Museum as its shown in athens map. Koukaki stretches roughly from the start of the pedestrian street Dionysiou Areopagitou (at a small square with a statue of Greek revolutionary hero, Makrygiannis) along the pedestrian area and past the Herodian Theater, under the Acropolis (see koukaki Athens map). Once you reach the intersection of Apostolou Pavou (also pedestrian) you are in Thissio.

Map of koukaki Athens

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In the shadow of the Acropolis, the neighborhood of Koukaki in athens map, with its unevenly paved sidewalks lined with bitter orange trees, has an undeniably urban village feel. Koukaki athens is the lesser-known sister of Makriyianni, which, boasting the elegant Acropolis Museum on the sweeping cobbled esplanade of Dionysiou Areopagitou, Koukaki has relegated Koukaki to the status of just another residential district.