
Syntagma map

Syntagma square Athens map. Syntagma map (Greece) to print. Syntagma map (Greece) to download. Syntagma Square is the political and ceremonial heart of modern Athens map. Syntagma is dominated by the lemon-yellow Greek Parliament building, a royal palace until the mid 19th century. The Evzones, an elite military unit who serve as the Presidential Guard, perform a "changing of the guard" ceremony at the Monument to the Unknown Soldier, in front of the parliament. Their high stepping choreography, coupled with their uniform of white skirts, white leggings, red berets and shoes with pompoms, is one of the main reasons tourists gather in Syntagma Square.

Syntagma square Athens map

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Syntagma Square is known as Constitution Square (see syntagma map). Indeed, syntagma is the place where the people rose up on September 3, 1843 to convince King Otto to accept the drafting of a constitution. Throning on Syntagma Square, the Parliament is an imposing building that was built between 1836 and 1842 to serve as a palace for Otto, the first king of Greece. Opposite the Parliament building is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, guarded day and night by the "Evzones", two guards dressed in curious traditional uniforms.